How destructive are slimes?


I want to start raising slimes, but I scared that if I let them out they'll hurt my crops and animals. To those who have done this before, can I let them roam around my farm, or should I just keep them inside the slime hutch?


They do no damage (except to you if you're not protected).
You can't let the slimes in the hutch get out (there is no litte door like with the coop and barn), but you can put an incubator outside and have the slimes roam.


They do no damage (except to you if you're not protected).
You can't let the slimes in the hutch get out (there is no litte door like with the coop and barn), but you can put an incubator outside and have the slimes roam.
Thank you so much! The wiki, although informative about the bajillion different species of slimes, didn't say anything about this.


Oh. So I did a thing. Kind of unrelated but ...DO NOT read if you don't want spoilers.
I hatched two slimes in town. Eventually, they replicated and . . . somehow a ton of them... and I mean A TON :sweat: ended up in the river next to Pam's trailer all the way down to the library area. They were stuck in there and I couldn't slash them with my sword so... I had to resort to shooting them with rocks which took ages. NEVER AGAIN. :defeated:
Oh. So I did a thing. Kind of unrelated but ...DO NOT read if you don't want spoilers.
I hatched two slimes in town. Eventually, they replicated and . . . somehow a ton of them... and I mean A TON :sweat: ended up in the river next to Pam's trailer all the way down to the library area. They were stuck in there and I couldn't slash them with my sword so... I had to resort to shooting them with rocks which took ages. NEVER AGAIN. :defeated:
The Apocalypse we never knew we needed. Will be trying this!!!