Windows Horizontal lines and lagging, nothing helps that i'm seeing on here or on reddit


since i got this better laptop i'm just unable to play stardew. i always get horizontal lines running on the upper or lower part of my screen and the game is lagging sometimes. vsync is on everywhere, i tried to mess a little with the settings in the nvidia control panel too, i restored all after and still nothings better, i have the zoom levels under 100%, the issue persists in every aspect ratio, in fullscreen, in windowed/borderless windowed, my screen refresh rate is 60Hz and i think that's pretty much every advice i found on the internet so far. i reinstalled the game multiple times and also to another drive, but nothing changed. i can run better games on this laptop than on my previous one (like sims4, life is strange), but on my previous laptop i had no problems while playing stardew.