iOS Hitting X on pro controller in item menu deletes items including tools


I don’t know the exact details of what’s happening, but this has happened to me twice now: connect switch pro controller to iPad Air 11 inch 2024. while the game is in progress and the item menu is open. The controller connects and either the hoe or the item in the first item slot disappears. I don’t know which because my hoe was in the same placement both times. Very frustrating! I get it back through the mail, but that’s still a pain.
I am playing on the App Store version

EDIT 2/10/25 Have further honed in on this - it actually appears that using a pro controller and pressing X while in the item menu DELETES AN ITEM, INCLUDING TOOLS! Considering I do this by accident ALL of the time it seems like a pretty significant issue, since the X button OPENS the menu on the switch. (At least now I know where my missing items have gone…)

I suppose at this point it’s on me to realize that I should stop using this controller because it’s not properly supported but still wanted to make this known.

I also just realized my new tools lose all of their upgrades wtf??? Is there anyway to get them back or revert to an older save file???
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