Hey, I need help please


Hello fellow Stardew players. I´m currently trying to get my mods working and mostly they are working perfectly fine, but there are a few, like [Blackberry Fields Farm, ATM, Cooking Skill, Crop Harwest Bubble, DaisyNiko´s Mods, Fantasy Crops, Floral Tools, Gender Neutrility, Nightmare´s Additonal Weaponary, Overgrown Mailbox, a few sesonal mods, from Poltergeist on Nexus and Stardew Valley Expanded.

many thanks for your help in advance


DaisyNiko has been uploading updated mods on Nexus over the last couple of days. I expect it's just a matter of time until they are all done. Don't know about the other mods.
if I have a problem with mods I usually check the discussion section for the mod on nexusmods. Generally someone else has the same problem and there's a solution in there and/or the modder is aware of the issue. You can also post your issue - people there are really helpful in my experience.