Windows HELP!!


Okay so the problem I have is that every damn save file I make it glitches and doesn't wanna save for example It just stays like that, frozen, and when I exit the game while it's saving, because I can't do anything else my save file COMPLETELY,disappears like poof gone this has also happened to my brother (he stopped playing bcs of that) and Idk what to do honestly someone just help me please!!


Local Legend
Okay so the problem I have is that every damn save file I make it glitches and doesn't wanna save for example It just stays like that, frozen, and when I exit the game while it's saving, because I can't do anything else my save file COMPLETELY,disappears like poof gone this has also happened to my brother (he stopped playing bcs of that) and Idk what to do honestly someone just help me please!!
I am not a great technical player for these things but I do play on windows and I can ask you some questions that may give others more of an insight into helping you:
What version of windows are you playing on?
Do you have the game on steam and are you launching it from steam?
Does your brother play on a different device and has the same problem or same problem on tha same device?
Do you have a 32 or 64 bit system and are you running the correct setting? Sometimes even if you are running a 64 bit system it is better to run on 32 bit and not doing this can cause a plethora of problems.
Does it glith when you press teh button to exit to title or to save a game at the end of tha day? If it is the latter there are a few people who have experienced the same difficulties and reading their threads may give you valuable insight.
Does the game crash before your file dissapear/bring you to the title screen? If not please give information abot what does happen
Are you new ot the game on that device? If not has this just started and affected older saves or only newer ones?
Hopefully this can help you in any way with your problem.