Question Help with TMXL New Map


SMAPI Error Log:
My attempted content file and manifest (manifest is probably irrelevant):

I'm trying to add a location to the game using TMXL, and I'm not good at coding. I could use content patcher on the Island Farm, but what I want to do is to very slightly modify the island farm (I'm adding a bathing beach and a path in the upper right corner to get to my other map). The new map is an extension of the farm. However, I can't get it to work. If anyone can help me I would be very grateful!

ETA: I deleted the "replace Map" part, figuring I could just use the content patcher mod, but it isn't helping, same error message


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It looks like you have an error in a warp property somewhere, so check for extra spaces (including at the end) or other sneaky ways it could be formatted incorrectly.

You definitely would not want to use replaceMaps just to edit a part of an existing map, since that not only tries to replace every tile of the old map with yours, but would be pretty much incompatible with almost every other mod trying to edit the same area, but you could just use mergeMaps . Secret Beach on Nexus has a good example of a very tiny edit to a vanilla map (that only shows up under certain conditions), which leads to a new area.

(PS: For sharing your json files you can use SMAPI's json validator, which points out errors and can be shared just like your logs :) )