Help with Smapi Block


Hi guys,

  • 3.8.2 mainly blocks farm map replacements that would crash the game in Stardew Valley 1.5, fixes various issues, and updates the compatibility list.

Last update block my mods, Stardew Valley Expanded and more other mods, it is possible to disable this block?


Staff member
It looks like SVE also updated today, have you downloaded the latest update for that mod? I'd recommend checking to see if the other mods it blocks have updates available as well.


It's also worth mentioning that SMAPI only outright blocks farm map replacers that don't order their tilesheets correctly, because in 1.5+ this will almost always* cause a crash when approaching the greenhouse. For other maps it only warns you that the author has not preserved the original tilesheets, which can cause issues. It does not prevent them from loading.

* (It's possible that their tilesheets were named incorrectly but still coincidentally kept the same alphanumeric order, which could be fine, but it almost never works out that way and SMAPI is basically just enforcing what needs to happen with those maps going forward.)