PC [HELP] V-Sync

Darth Revan

If I disable vsync does it affect something in the game? I always have it activated but in other games I always try to deactivate it so I don't know


I experience screen tearing when disabling V-Sync. But when I enable it, my game go from 60 fps to 45 fps. do anyone have an idea why the V-Sync would act like this ?


I found a solution (at least for me, sorry for the others)
I'm on Manjaro, with XFCE as the desktop environment. I used the commands in the "Video tearing" of the Arch Linux wiki page for Xfwm, the windows manager of XFCE (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfwm#Video_tearing). The first one is to change the "--vblank" mode option of "xfwm" (glx, xpresent or off). The second one is to save the options you want for all the other boots. Now I can use the V-Sync of Stardew Valley without going to 45 fps.


Staff member
Hi @TheHaricover! Just want to mention if you're having an issue, while it's good to comment in an existing thread, please avoid posting in really old threads where possible. In this case, since you also mentioned this issue here, in the future please pick the more recent thread and just reply in that one. If you're searching for threads similar to your issue and only see ones from months ago, it's best to create a new thread in that case.

I've responded to your message about your issue in the other thread.