PC [Help]Title screen zoomed in


So I recently purchased the game on GOG and whenever I start it, it is very very zoomed in. I can only see the top left hand corner of the screen which includes part of the logo and the option to mute and unmute. It's unplayable and I've spent hours trying to fix it. Can anybody help?



Have you tried opening it in windowed mode?

Right click shortcut
add a '-w' (no quotes) to the end of the target line
click apply

Not sure if it will help, and I had to click my top right corner to get into "window mode" (tested it just now) but just trying to give a thought. Im thinking if you could get into the settings the screen size was set to something wrong.

Im guessing you uninstalled and reinstalled all ready?

have you contacted GOG? they actually have a really good support team.

I wish you luck sorry I cant really help.


Staff member
I'd also recommend you try deleting your startup_preferences (found in %appdata%/StardewValley on Windows or ~/.config/StardewValley on Linux/Mac).