PlayStation [HELP] Repeated Crashes Just Before Saving on local 4 player co-op


Hello! I waited a lot of years to play couch co-op with my kids on this game and it was initially going great! After about 7 days the game crashes after we all go to sleep, before saving. That's a day lost. We powered forward and redid the day but the game kept crashing after we went to sleep and before saving, with increasing frequency. We made it to Summer and the game crashed every fourth day. We've made it to Fall and finally it crashes every second day. In other words, we can play one day, then we play a second day and the game crashes. This is reaching unplayable levels and I'm so sad at all the time that's been wasted.

We created a second file with different game options (farm, margin, other things) but the first crash happened again around the same time as the first.

I'm surprised not to have seen this problem elsewhere as it's so game breaking. I'm not sure what I can do differently to stop this from happening. We managed to eventually mitigate the problem by restarting the game on the day when it would crash but having to restart the game after every day reaches the point of unsustainability. If anyone else has had this problem or has a fix, please let me know!


We are also getting this problem playing 4 player coop on PS4. It's highly discouraging for the group of us to make so much progress and then suddenly lose it all. Especially when you find rare items, you don't know if you're going to find it again when you have to do the day over again. This issue DESPERATELY needs fixed. The crash is fine, but not saving is heart breaking.


We are also getting this problem playing 4 player coop on PS4. It's highly discouraging for the group of us to make so much progress and then suddenly lose it all. Especially when you find rare items, you don't know if you're going to find it again when you have to do the day over again. This issue DESPERATELY needs fixed. The crash is fine, but not saving is heart breaking.
Yeah, I've finally had to give up on it. It's so frustrating to want to play together so much but know that the bug could sap the fun at any time.


Having the same problem at our end - PS4 3 player local co-op ends days with sleep followed by a crash before saving causing the entire day to need to be replayed. And we WERE replaying days at first on the chance it was a rare one-off occurrence, but now it's happening so frequently it's hard to justify investing so much effort given the likelihood of all of it being lost. So disappointing as we'd been having a great time prior to this...had put in roughly 50 hours on our co-op farm. Over the hundreds of hours of single player PS4 use I'd only ever had the game crash on me once. Given the other posts in this forum, my guess is the issue isn’t the co-op aspect so much as it is some general shortcomings in this PS4 update. Crossing my fingers there's a fix for this soon.


Having the same problem at our end - PS4 3 player local co-op ends days with sleep followed by a crash before saving causing the entire day to need to be replayed. And we WERE replaying days at first on the chance it was a rare one-off occurrence, but now it's happening so frequently it's hard to justify investing so much effort given the likelihood of all of it being lost. So disappointing as we'd been having a great time prior to this...had put in roughly 50 hours on our co-op farm. Over the hundreds of hours of single player PS4 use I'd only ever had the game crash on me once. Given the other posts in this forum, my guess is the issue isn’t the co-op aspect so much as it is some general shortcomings in this PS4 update. Crossing my fingers there's a fix for this soon.
Ours only made it 15-20 hours. I wonder if its like the cumulative weight of everything you've done on your file slowly overwhelming the system or something like that.


Having the same issue - game is unplayable as it crashes just before saving and entire previous day is lost, leaving our multiplayer local co-op stuck in Groundhog’s Day. PS4, 3 person, obviously no mods.
Happens regardless of what we do during the game day. Please fix so our family can play again! The game is awesome!


Tried again tonight and still crashing - tried mixing up what we did before ending the night, but it didn’t matter.
One consistent thing is that my farm (not the main one) is just about to complete the first upgrade. Just after the message comes up that it’s complete, after all the monies are tallied, that’s when it crashes. I’m never getting a better farm...


Tried again with different approach - main player went in alone and played a day. Day saved ok. My farm did NOT upgrade, but whatever. I went in next day with them and it did ok AND upgraded, then the third player joined the third day and everything seemed ok again. Have been playing several game days since.
Then, today, it crashed again - on the day my farm was going to upgrade another level, at the same save point. I don’t know if it’s connected, and the other 2 players have upgraded with no incident.
Again player 1 went in alone with no trouble to get the game started and saved again. I come in and do another day and the house upgrades overnight. Player 3 comes in following day and it’s ok again. Ugh! At least it worked eventually!


Tried again with different approach - main player went in alone and played a day. Day saved ok. My farm did NOT upgrade, but whatever. I went in next day with them and it did ok AND upgraded, then the third player joined the third day and everything seemed ok again. Have been playing several game days since.
Then, today, it crashed again - on the day my farm was going to upgrade another level, at the same save point. I don’t know if it’s connected, and the other 2 players have upgraded with no incident.
Again player 1 went in alone with no trouble to get the game started and saved again. I come in and do another day and the house upgrades overnight. Player 3 comes in following day and it’s ok again. Ugh! At least it worked eventually!
It may be tied tot he fact that I’m accidentally in position FOUR (with an empty slot between me and player 3)


Bump. MODS, Is there any word on a fix for this? Haven’t played it since it released for this damn reason


Staff member
While I don't know about patch for this particular issue, we know there will be a patch to fix spawn rate of a new artifact so hopefully this is fixed in that patch as well!


Just saying, but I think this is more pressing than the spawn rate of a new artifact, considering it breaks split screen for PS4.