PS4 [HELP] PS5 “this disc is not recognized by the console”

Fat Link

My PS4 copy of Stardew Valley works and plays great on my PS5 when I initially put the disc in and boot the game up, but after quitting and shutting down the game and console for the day, when I finally decide to come back the next day or whenever for another round of gameplay I’m met by the topic title’s message.

For now what works to resolve the issue in the meantime is simply ejecting the disc and putting it back in as then things will boot up fine.

In anycase though just for added info my game disc is practically brand new in quality and free from scratches and I generally keep my game consoles well dusted and ventilated.

Lastly my PS5 hasn’t done this with any other game be it a PS5 game or backwards compatible PS4 game and I always keep the console’s firmware up to date as well it’s various games when new updates release for them.

Anyway not sure if this is a problem for CA’s Sony guy to eventually fix or the Sony emulation (backwards compatibility) team, but I thought it was worth posting about regardless since I found no other topics via the search feature related to this issue.