PC [HELP] My save game is missing!!


Hello! There seems to be a problem with the game because I was in the middle of saving and the game suddenly crashed. When I went to launch it again, the game file that I keep playing suddenly disappeared. Although it did reappear when I played the next day (but I had to restart a few days back on what I was previously saving) and yesterday as I was saving it happened again! And went I went to launch the game now, today, my game file is still missing again. Is there anything I can do to get it back and also stop the crashing?


Hello! There seems to be a problem with the game because I was in the middle of saving and the game suddenly crashed. When I went to launch it again, the game file that I keep playing suddenly disappeared. Although it did reappear when I played the next day (but I had to restart a few days back on what I was previously saving) and yesterday as I was saving it happened again! And went I went to launch the game now, today, my game file is still missing again. Is there anything I can do to get it back and also stop the crashing?
You'd be surprised at hte causes. I would recommend manual verification of your saves. I have another thread on this board about backing up your saves, but Odin's link goes into how to find the actual save files on your computer. I noticed that since my computer is old, i have this issue constantly, but i've seen it on new computers as well. I think it's tied to parsing issues with the format that make it take longer than normal at times, but it does boil down to waiting long enough. People have found that enterting and exiting the menu many times makes them appear, but last time i looked into it, i think it was enough to sit, wait about 10 minutes, or step away and do something, and they return. It's an annoying little bug, but i'm not sure much can be done about it if i'm right about the cause. If you need the peace of mind, do regular backups of your saves.