Switch [HELP] Multiplayer issues - Can’t See Hosted Game

I have been trying to host my sister as a farmhand on my farm but she can never see my farm as one of the options. However, I can see when she hosts her’s and I’ve visited it several times.

We’re playing online.
We’re playing on the switch
We both have the same NAT type B.
I’m hosting the farm co-op mode.
We both have guest cabins built.
I’ve setup port forwarding.
I’ve only encounter this issue with Stardew. Were able to connect while playing animal crossing just fine for example.
I called Nintendo and they have no other people reporting similar issues.

I’m not sure what the problem is.

regan miller

I am having the exact same issue. we have played multiple times together and now he cannot find our farm. so frustrating


I've started having the same issue. I host the farm for myself and my girlfriend, we've successfully played together online many times (and local, but we are long distance so we are usually online). I seem to be hosting just fine, I don't get any kind of error message or other indicator of a problem, but she just can't see the game.

It first became a problem last week, and I thought it might have been because I had just moved apartments and my network got, I don't know, confused? But I have totally factory reset the router, I've set up port forwarding, we're both NAT type B as well. I don't know what else, if anything, has changed, because like I said we've been playing this farm just fine for weeks.


Well, we've fixed it now in my case. My Switch privacy settings were set to hide my online status from everyone. I figure some recent Switch update may have changed it, because I've never touched that setting the whole time I've had the console, but apparently if you hide yourself being online then it also carries over to the game looking for you and the hosted farm. Could be worth a look at that setting!