iOS [HELP] Mac Catalina Error w/ Smapi


Please help. I am so frustrated.
I update my Mac yesterday to Catalina. I have Smapi. This game has ALWAYS worked fine with me.

I go to pull up my lovely game last night, and it just flat out wouldn't load. So my brain thinks, okay. Maybe it's a Smapi issue.
I go to reinstall Smapi.

Get this message before letting me install.
Last login: Thu Apr 15 20:59:32 on console
The default interactive shell is now zsh.
To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
For more details, please visit
/Users/Haley/Downloads/SMAPI\ 3.9.5\ installer/install\ on\ Mac.command ; exit;
ProxyMac:~ Haley$ /Users/Haley/Downloads/SMAPI\ 3.9.5\ installer/install\ on\ Mac.command ; exit;

Now, when I click that link, it is a dead end. So that's unsatisfactory. But secondly, HOW DO I FIX MY BELOVED GAME. I have no clue what's happened but I'm devastated.

Thank you for ANY insight.
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Hi! 3 years later, I ran into the same problem. Have you managed to fix it for your beloved game?
I don't know if I can still help you but here is how I fixed it:

Go to the "Settings" for Terminal
Find "Shells open with:" in "General" (the first column)
Press "Command (complete path):"
and change the path to [/bin/zsh]

And done. It probably would ask you to type in the password for your Mac but that's all.

Just in case it doesn't work for everyone:
I have no coding knowledge and only followed the instructions on the website provided. I can't offer further help if anyone have other problems.
But it did work for me. So I registered and just wanna share my method for people who have this problem opening Smapi.

Hope it works! ><