PC [HELP] Is my save file corrupted? Please help


I need help... maybe really bad...

This is my first time playing Stardew valley, I'm currently in my third year in my second world (my main world). However, when I try to open world yesterday night, my world can't get past the loading screen as it keep crashing when I'm loading in.
  • I can get to the menu
  • I can get to the world menu
  • My game crash when I try to enter my main world
I have search some of the forum and tried some things. Here are the things that I have tried based on the forum:
  • I have opened my world "code" using notepad and notepad++ and found that my world code ends with </SaveGame>
  • I have tried using the world save file that ends with "...._old" and it still doesn't work
  • I have tried using the "old" save game info and a save game info from my other world and it still doesn't work
Because of that, I'm not really sure what is wrong and what to do. As I don't really know how to code and how it works either. I just want to know if my world is corrupted or not. And if it is, whether or not it still can be safe...
In this thread I have attached my "corrupted" world folder and the latest error log that's created when I tried opening the world. If any mod or anyone else have the time to review it, please help me... I know I can't really give anything but I would really appreciate it as the world means so much to me...

Thank you so much whoever read this.



Im having the same problem, did you solved it?
Edit: Hey dude i finally solved it, just reinstall the game
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the crash has nothing to do with the save file, it looks like your game is trying to read the files "game.cs" and "program.cs", but it finds that a part is broken, so it tries to use Microsoft XNS to fix it, but it is unsuccessful, so the game just closes. Backup your save files and reinstall the game.


the crash has nothing to do with the save file, it looks like your game is trying to read the files "game.cs" and "program.cs", but it finds that a part is broken, so it tries to use Microsoft XNS to fix it, but it is unsuccessful, so the game just closes. Backup your save files and reinstall the game.
now that's why the problem is in the game, not on my save file. thanks for the explanation!