Solved [HELP] Help me, Developer, I can't put any fruit into keg.

Stewpit Pie

I played on Iphone there're no cursor likes PC version, so i can't put any fruit into keg in red circle ,but i can put into keg in green circle
How do i do.
is that bug or what?
thank you guys


The keg model sits quite high, can you test pressing slighlty bellow, the lower part of the red circle and see if you get any result from it?

Lily Burns

Are you set on autoattack? Try a different joystick control setting. I play on IOS and am on autoattack. I can’t fill my watering can in the house sink. Unless I switch the joystick controls OFF autoattack and then I can. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Staff member
You simply can't access kegs or other machines at an angle on mobile or console. I recommend removing the keg you have at the end of the open row so you can access the ones above and below.