PC [HELP] Game crashing when going to bed. Will not save the game either



I have been an avid Stardew Valley gamer for quite some time now. I play on PC (steam) I am on year 4, very close to year 5 on my main and have put many, many hours into it.
Last night I experienced my very first crash into the game. Every time I go to bed the game crashes before it even gets to save. Making it impossible to progress in the game.

Before this started to happen I was moving my farm building around and trying to redo my farm to make it look nicer. I have looked onto forums, articles and videos relating to this problem. They have advised me to empty my inventory, clear out any items inside my farm building and slime hutch and even empty out the fridge. I did all of them twice and the crash kept continuing.

Out of options, I decided to go back to old school methods such as reinstalling and verifying game files on steam. I then repeated the above and took out all items in the buildings and empties my inventory. But unfortunately, nothing has been successful.

I am very upset and frustrated by this as I really enjoy this game and want to continue playing. What can I possibly do now?

Kind regards
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I CAN confirm this is truly infuriating!! I have tried to do the same, rapidly rummaging through Google, Youtube, Tinder, My Space, MSN etc just trying to find those perfect designs.. only to be stopped by this uncurable curse!! I absolutely ADORE Stardew Valley and cry myself to slippy when I cannot play. Please someone think of the children!! Someone surely has an answer!!!

Kind Regards,
Bozo the Clown.


Have you tried going back a day?

(You have two save files with the same name, one ending in "old". That is your save file from the day before. Backup both files to a save location, then delete the current one and rename the other to remove the old.)


Have you tried going back a day?

(You have two save files with the same name, one ending in "old". That is your save file from the day before. Backup both files to a save location, then delete the current one and rename the other to remove the old.)
I tried looking for this but cant find it anywhere