Help fixing an annoying error


I'm in the process of trying to clean up all errors to make my game run better since I went crazy with the mods but one I came figure out. Error:

Event '-5005' in location 'Farm' has invalid event precondition 'd Mon Tue Wen Thu Fri Sat': can't parse 'Wen' as a day of week.

I looked in events and farms but still couldn't find it. Any help would be appreciated because since man's my game lag often and for long periods sometimes... Thanks

here's my parser log if that helps
SMAPI log parser -


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In one of your mods there is an event that should happen on Sunday (the only day not listed). And it throws an exception as "Wen" is not correct abbreviation for Wednesday (it should be Wed).

The event is labeled 5005, urgh. Meaning that the events in that mod are not numbered as recommended (having the Nexus mod number there as a part of the event number which prevents having clashes).
It seems you have uploaded the smapi.latest,txt instead of putting it through the parser which should show the mods listed and probably point to the correct one.

One way to hunt is to remove suspect mods one by one and see what happens.


Also putting your file through SMAPI log it looks like there is a major error with
TMXL Map Toolkit
It's effecting GameLoop.DayStarted event which could explain why your game lags so bad. This bug is a huge problem atm, I would suggest deleting the mod and two assoicated with it. And make sure you update all of your mods, because that can greatly effect your gameplay.


In one of your mods there is an event that should happen on Sunday (the only day not listed). And it throws an exception as "Wen" is not correct abbreviation for Wednesday (it should be Wed).

The event is labeled 5005, urgh. Meaning that the events in that mod are not numbered as recommended (having the Nexus mod number there as a part of the event number which prevents having clashes).
It seems you have uploaded the smapi.latest,txt instead of putting it through the parser which should show the mods listed and probably point to the correct one.

One way to hunt is to remove suspect mods one by one and see what happens.

I thought I did upload the parser one tbh. I loaded the log and downloaded it. But yeah, I'm going through a lot of mods to fix it. Just was hoping there was a faster way is all... Thanks tho


Also putting your file through SMAPI log it looks like there is a major error with
TMXL Map Toolkit
It's effecting GameLoop.DayStarted event which could explain why your game lags so bad. This bug is a huge problem atm, I would suggest deleting the mod and two assoicated with it. And make sure you update all of your mods, because that can greatly effect your gameplay.

I think there was an unofficial version of it but it still brings errors smh


I thought I did upload the parser one tbh. I loaded the log and downloaded it. But yeah, I'm going through a lot of mods to fix it. Just was hoping there was a faster way is all... Thanks tho
You load the log into the parser and then put the url into your message, if you wish that people can check it.