Switch Help - difficulty connecting to local multiplayer game



My boyfriend has a local multiplayer game we’ve been playing together over the last couple of days. We’ve been noticing that it’s been difficult to get my switch joined in. My switch can see his game every time, but then I try to join and it takes me back to the main menu.

We’ve tried resetting both of our switches and restarting the game for both of us. Usually, it finally shows me my character to play as after 10-20 times trying to join.

Is this a bug, or is there something one or both of us is doing wrong? Thank you!


Me and my wife are having the same issue. We started playing on "Local Communication" with my Switch being the one hosting, but when she goes to look for our farm we've put almost 60 hours in to she can't find it. However, the moment I open the game up to "Online Communication" she can see the game without an issue. Both of our Switches are up to date with the latest firmware and software versions. I have even gone as far as adding another cabin to the farm as an attempt to troubleshoot the issue, but it did not work.