PC [HELP] Connection Failed


My friend and I have a farm on Stardew, she plays on a Mac and I play on Windows. We have about 30 hours on it and it was fine last March, but now, all of a sudden I keep getting a "server closed the connection" and '"connection failed" notification. I get kicked off and can't connect back unless I try rejoining at least 10-20 times.

I know it's not my internet because I have tried switching to multiple different connections and tested the wifi connections but I still get the same message. I also know it's not my firewall because I checked that. I've also made sure I downloaded the Microsoft package that I'm supposed to have downloaded.

She's the host and I'm trying to join the farm.
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My friend and I have a farm on Stardew, she plays on a Mac and I play on Windows. We have about 30 hours on it and it was fine last March, but now, all of a sudden I keep getting a "server closed the connection" and '"connection failed" notification. I get kicked off and can't connect back unless I try rejoining at least 10-20 times.

I know it's not my internet because I have tried switching to multiple different connections and tested the wifi connections but I still get the same message. I also know it's not my firewall because I checked that. I've also made sure I downloaded the Microsoft package that I'm supposed to have downloaded.

She's the host and I'm trying to join the farm.
Really sounds like the itnernet. Switching connections doesn't help for most problems, especially if the problem's on her end. Unfortunately, to figure out what's going on, you need to take out a few variables. First step is to find out who's having trouble, you or her, and, based on what you're telling me, it really sounds like it's on her end, not yours. To know for sure, you need a third person. If we can get some sort of more instant contact, I could be that third person, just long enough for you both to connect to a dummy farm on my end. I don't know if posting my IRC information here would be allowed, and I really don't use discord, but if i know when to look for you maybe i could log in and catch you.


Been having the same problem with constant connection failures. However, it's through a LAN game with 3 people (two on Win 7, one on Win 8.1; all of us play the Steam version). We've all tried hosting, but the same things happen every time: the game doesn't show up in the MP menu, the game shows up but the connection fails, or we manage to connect and are booted within minutes (server closed the connection).

This didn't happen prior to the 1.4.5 update. During that time, I was the only one who'd occasionally desync and get disconnected (usually during a town event or in a busy mine), but I'd be able to reconnect without issue. We all had to connect via IP, though, because we couldn't connect to a game through the other options.

We're still with the same ISP (have been for years), and to my knowledge, nothing about the firewall, router, network, or service have changed.