Solved [HELP] Can anyone help me fix my save?


Wouldn't it be easiest to just go back one day?

You should have a second save file ending in "old" in the same folder. Take out the changed one and rename the other to remove the "old".


I removed the txt in the actual save, I just made this copy a text file so my computer wouldn't throw a fit. I tried the old one and for some reason right as I opened it it became the exact same as my current save?? It also says there were no earlier versions so idk what to do. :(
Hi, it looks like for the save you posted; there were 2 letter D's at the end of the savefile.
I removed those, and the game loads & saves now.

However, I noticed 2 things. The health bar seems to have been modded to be huge. I left that alone, since I'm guessing that was intentional.
And, I also noticed the error log you shared; seems to be for a different error.
As the column number should be larger, and the error displayed is more of a typo for a number section; than an end of the save bug.
Which is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's just an older, unrelated, error log.

That means your save should be fine with my fix. I tested loading & saving to the next game day with a copy, and it seemed alright on my end.
But, let me know if anything comes up.



Hi, it looks like for the save you posted; there were 2 letter D's at the end of the savefile.
I removed those, and the game loads & saves now.

However, I noticed 2 things. The health bar seems to have been modded to be huge. I left that alone, since I'm guessing that was intentional.
And, I also noticed the error log you shared; seems to be for a different error.
As the column number should be larger, and the error displayed is more of a typo for a number section; than an end of the save bug.
Which is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's just an older, unrelated, error log.

That means your save should be fine with my fix. I tested loading & saving to the next game day with a copy, and it seemed alright on my end.
But, let me know if anything comes up.
thank you so much! I'll pull it up on my computer later tonight and I'll let you know how it goes!


Hi, it looks like for the save you posted; there were 2 letter D's at the end of the savefile.
I removed those, and the game loads & saves now.

However, I noticed 2 things. The health bar seems to have been modded to be huge. I left that alone, since I'm guessing that was intentional.
And, I also noticed the error log you shared; seems to be for a different error.
As the column number should be larger, and the error displayed is more of a typo for a number section; than an end of the save bug.
Which is fine, but I'm pretty sure it's just an older, unrelated, error log.

That means your save should be fine with my fix. I tested loading & saving to the next game day with a copy, and it seemed alright on my end.
But, let me know if anything comes up.
YEAH IT WORKED OMG THANK YOU!!! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: (if you have a venmo dm me because I want to send you a lil bit of money for helping me)