Solved HELP! All of my game files are corrupted and won't get past the loading screen


I'm quite meticulous when trying to fix my game and after trying my own hand attempted to follow , none fixed the problem and when I got to this step


I realised that my game file looks like this


Unfortunately all of my game files look like this, I even tried creating a new save and it encountered the same problem, although it did manage to create the game file which had similar text at the end when I opened it,

Can anyone help? I've tried uninstalling, I've turned it on and off again, I'm wondering if at this stage i'll have to completely purge my PC of the game and mods.

This is my SMAPI log

and i'll include one of my game files

May have gone overboard with info here but I stick to the shallow waters and am completely lost :fish:



Well first off, those instructions unfortunately need to be fixed. Looks like they were copied from the old forums without being proofread.
Just at a quick glance I can see why you're confused. The end of the save should not be quotes. There should be some code between the quotes, and it should look like the screenshot you posted.

The end of the file being:
I took a look at the log, and save you shared. And, SMAPI is showing a few mods you can update, but no errors when loading 'Cairn_279962506'.

16:54:56 ALERT SMAPI Custom Companions 1.5.0:
16:54:56 ALERT SMAPI Json Assets 1.8.1:
16:54:56 ALERT SMAPI NPC Map Locations 2.6.3:
16:54:56 ALERT SMAPI Quest Framework 1.4.0-beta.2:
16:54:56 ALERT SMAPI SpaceCore 1.5.9:

While testing the 'Seb_245171545' savefile that you shared; it yielded no errors for me either.
I tested in a modded & unmodded SDV v1.5.4; and both versions loaded the savefile.
Though, I'm not using the same mods as you.

Overall, it doesn't look like an issue with your saves.

The only other thing I can really think of; is to try removing these 2 mods temporarily:

Farm Type Manager1.14.0
+ Ridgeside Village Farm Type Manager 1.2.10
+ Stardew Valley Expanded Forage Locations 1.13.8
+ Rafseazz
+ FlashShifter
no errors

I'm not sure if it'll break anything else, but I see this near the end of the log:
[16:58:27 TRACE Farm Type Manager] Spawn process complete. Time: 600. Total objects spawned: 734.

If the game is trying to load that many objects; on top of everything else. It might just be taking a really long time to load; giving the appearance that it won't get past the loading screen.
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You absolute star!! Looks like a lot of those that needed updating were introduced the day after i'd already updated them! No wonder I was so confused :sweat::blush:
All fixed without needing to remove the bulkier mods :fire:

Thankyou for your patient observation :heart:
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You absolute star!! Looks like a lot of those that needed updating were introduced the day after i'd already updated them! No wonder I was so confused :sweat::blush:
All fixed without needing to remove the bulkier mods :fire:

Thankyou for your patient observation :heart:
Oh nice, glad you were able to resolve it with updating those few mods. And, happy to help! ^-^