Help!Special Missions that cannot be refreshed: Danger in the Deep


Hello everyone, can anyone answer my questions?

My game platform is Steam, the game progress is 100%, version is the latest 1.6.8 without mods.

I have been in Qi's Walnut Room for four years, and I check Qi's special Board every Monday. So far, I have refreshed 64 tasks in total. I have experienced all the tasks, except "Danger in the Deep", which I have never seen once ......

Is this a bug? Or is it just bad luck? Is there any way I can receive this task?


Local Legend
Gosh that's worse luck than me, I had to wait about 7 months in game (for either of the hardmode quests) for it and that was quite annoying.

Have you gotten the skull cavern invasion quest? That has all the same drops and allows you to get things like radioactive ore too