Hello Fellow Humans!!


Hello! I typically go by Dee here on the interwebs! I'm not the most familiar with forum-style posting (more used to 'message' style things.) so I'm sorry in advance for formating issues, etc. I started playing Stardew back in June on my switch, and spent most of the heatwave that followed incredibly invested in it. I caved not long after and got it on my laptop because - well, I wanted to play with mods! In the last few days as of posting, I've also been giving making my own mods a go, leading me to find the forums because quite honestly the most experience I have with this is toning down a wallpaper color in the sims 4, so all of this coding stuff is like a whole new world for me (I've taken some Javascript classes but was barely able to make 'Hello World!'.)

I love getting to be involved with communities for my interests, so although I came here looking for help. I'm definitely gonna stick around, y'all seem wonderful!


Local Legend
Welcome Dee!

Good luck on your coding journey, I only wish I could do the same, but every time I've picked it up it's been a struggle 😅

I just say languages aren't my thing...