Hello, Everyone

I am working on a youtube channel. It would be nice to meet new people who like to play the same game I do. So far when I say SDV in a conversation people look at me like I am an alien!
I am a mother of two children. I am a homemaker and homeschool my children; so free time is a laughable concept almost mythological at this point.
I am learning cross stitch, crochet, hand sew and make homemade bath stuff like: soap, face wash, bath milk, ect.
Maybe I should pick up a new hobby of relaxing; seeing this all listed out is an eye opener! No wonder that to do list never ends!


Welcome to the forums! No one will look at you like you're an alien around here.
My sister and I were homeschooled by my mom, (who is crazy into crochet!) and even though it was alway busy and the three of us never had a second to breathe, being at home was worth it 100%. I myself do cross stitch, so I know if you have some to share you can share it right here on the forums under Creative!! I have also made soap and it's very fun.
I hope you find that these forums are the place you can relax and come to for a friendly conversation with other like-minded people/players! It's a very friendly community and I'm sure you'll like it here.
Welcome to the community FlyingCatPhillips! 😁🌸 It is nice to have you here.
I too am venturing into the land of making household stuff, so that's awesome in my book! (Having skin reactions to soaps and detergents started it for me.) Now I just find it relaxing and satisfying to make/create/fix/modify/design more stuff lol. And, generally knowing how stuff works/is made, is a fun nerdity endeavor for me.