Hello, ethnographer here!

Hello everyone, my name is Stephanie. I am a student at Kennesaw State University in Kennesaw, GA. I joined this forum along with two other students for a research project in our course Ethnography for Designers. The goal of our research is to observe this Stardew Valley online community to understand what the game means to players. Some of us have experience with the game, others do not, so we are excited to get to know the game and community!
*We have received consent from moderators for this project. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out!
Just realized I could reply to everyone at once lol, getting the hang of the forum slowly!

Hi Stephanie!

Hello Stephanie! hope you have a good experience here!
Thank you, I'm sure I will!

hi stephanie! welcome to the forums! i decided to play stardew valley after an adult swim host recommended it.
Ooh interesting, and thanks!

Welcome Stephanie! Hopefully you get some good responses for your project!
Thank you! Look forward to meeting everyone :)
Hello there and welcome! As I mentioned in @BKNYTAITT5 post, best of luck in the Design courses. I would also like to reiterate that I look forward to your input from a Design perspective in the future.