Issue Hello, does anyone of you know how to remove this fish tank [CCFishTank] ? Thank you in advance!


Hello, does anyone of you know how to remove this fish tank [CCFishTank] ? Thank you in advance! :smile:



I have tried grabbing the tank, but to no avail. Then, using any tools but for some reason, I really couldn't drag the tank itself no matter what. I was able to drag and drop the other tanks, tho. Only this one had that issue and I think it could be a bug.

Platform: Windows
Game version: 1.6
SMAPI log:

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Make sure you have the CJB Item Spawner - Stardew Valley mod installed.
  2. Launch your game, then press i on your keyboard to open the menu.
  3. Search for the CCFishTank.
  4. Place it somewhere inside the farm house.
  5. Try grabbing or dragging the same fish tank.


Actual results: Unable to drag and drop the fish tank.

Expected results: Just like other tanks, the player should be able to drag and drop the CCFishTank.


Bunny Macomb

I had this same issue as well, I believe because it was meant for the Community Center it can not be moved, sadly the only solution is to delete the save file or ignore it.
On your photo it looks to be in one of the corner rooms, if I were you go to robin and remove the room and re-add it back in.
I hoped this helped.


I had this same issue as well, I believe because it was meant for the Community Center it can not be moved, sadly the only solution is to delete the save file or ignore it.
On your photo it looks to be in one of the corner rooms, if I were you go to robin and remove the room and re-add it back in.
I hoped this helped.
Indeed! I've spawned it accidentally. LOL.

It's working on my end now. Thank you for your suggestion, btw!


In your photo I see it is gone, did you remove it? if so could you please inform me the method you tried, or if my other method helped.
I was able to remove it normally, by dragging it like any other fish tanks. =)

I'm not quite sure if it was resolved through a mod, tho.