
Mystic Coaster

Is there anyway I can get hardwood since I seem to have cut it all annnd I don't wanna go mining for a stronger picaxe. or am i forced to get an iron one?


Did you get any mahagony seeds when you were cutting down the tree stumps? If you plant them, they grow really slow, but you‘ll get hardwood from the trees.
For other sources, you need the iron axe. You can buy iron from Clint if you really want to avoid mining?
If you're on the foraging farm, the hardwood stumps renew every day.

If you don't mind cheesing it a bit, you can use a chair or stool to bypass the big log blocking the secret woods and cut those six stumps every day until your axe can chop it down.

If you're close to level five foraging, chop a bunch of trees to get it up there and pick the Forester skill. You'll get more hardwood each time. At level ten you can pick the Lumberjack skill, which lets regular trees drop some hardwood, too.
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Plenty of workarounds for finding everything In the valley, The aforementioned mahogany seeds and secret wood stumps can net you all the hardwood you need. I understand why some players want to avoid aspects of the game I remember for me it was fishing.. But I realized I needed certain fish to progress and felt stuck.. So I tried it out a couple days finally got a better rod and it became easier.. The Mines are similar to that. The first sword is super weak you run out of energy fast to but it gets way easier. You can always find better weapons in mines as a good start.. Early game you can craft bugsteaks & fieldsnacks and they can help a lot with energy.. Mining gets easier the more you try it and I assure you them upgrades are super worth it.. Ofcourse you can buy your way to the upgrades but that is the costly way to do it .. I say don't give up on the mines you may find yourself stuck later.. Work on it little by little 5 levels at a time before you know it you'll be excellent at it, and you'll have super tools & great swords, You will also be able to find awesome gifts for villagers Best of luck :)


Is there anyway I can get hardwood since I seem to have cut it all annnd I don't wanna go mining for a stronger picaxe. or am i forced to get an iron one?

In most sandbox games, upgrading to a stronger pickaxe like iron is necessary to mine hardwood and other valuable resources. It's a part of the game's progression, so consider crafting an iron pickaxe to continue gathering resources efficiently.
In most sandbox games, upgrading to a stronger pickaxe like iron is necessary to mine hardwood and other valuable resources. It's a part of the game's progression, so consider crafting an iron pickaxe to continue gathering resources efficiently.
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Local Legend
Any way of getting hardwood without the iron pickaxe is generally harder than the time and effort spent getting the iron axe.

One way I could recommend is using a chair to get into the secret woods and killing slimes/breaking stumps(if you have a copper axe) for mahogany seeds (and hardwood in the case of the latter).