hand held suggestions


Hello all i am new to the forum, long time player of sdv, anyways my question is I have the ps4 version, switch version and PC version, I love sdv 1.6 and anyways I am getting impatience for the switch 1.6 upgrade so I'm toying with my birthday present in 2 days to myself a msi claw or legion go to play 1.6 in my bed, so what would you recommend since I'm being impatience for the switch 1.6 version.



Lew Zealand

Hello Akuriko and Welcome to the Forums! Without doing any additional research, the Legion Go should be faster for general gaming use as it uses an AMD APU with Radeon graphics where the MSi Claw uses an Intel CPU with Xe graphics. AMD graphics scale better in very power-limited situations like a gaming handheld. That said, both will play Stardew Valley great but it's when you use them for 3D gaming when the Legion's AMD graphics will perform better.
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Lew Zealand

The Steam Deck is a lot cheaper than the others though it runs Linux instead of Windows which means overall game compatibility is lower, especially for less popular/more obscure games. However Steam is actively expanding the compatible list which already contains thousands of titles so there is still pretty wide compatibility. I don't see many complaints about it so I'd probably get the Steam Deck because of price and Steam actively supporting it. I want to buy one but butbut I really don't game on the go enough to justify it.



Local Legend
I agree with everything Lew has said, I would also personally go for the deck because the price is so much more reasonable and they're adapting games at an astonishing rate.

Regardless of what you do, you'll have a pretty awesome little machine for games, more powerful than my laptop for sure :grin:


Thanks both of you, the reason as I said i wanted a hand held to run 1.6 is its been 4 months and 1.6 isn't on switch yet and I'm loving the 1.6 update but I do not want to be on my laptops or all in ones for days on end I wanna be in my easy chair or bed to play it too, I'm a RPG gamer and jrpg gamer I seen steam deck vs switch, switch has a great library too but with me at 400 hours on 1.5 on switch and 350 plus hours on the steam version for 1.6 on my desk top or laptop I wanted a portable for me to be in bed or to play on the boat or ferry boat.


ok so i have all the gift cards from yesterdays birthday, yay I'm 46 now and my sister yay is 65, anyways I wanted to know before I purchase tonight on amazon, what is the battery life like on the steam deck LCD, steam deck oled, the legion go, the Nintendo sitch oled, does anyone have any battery life data, also for a 2nd option while I travel on the boat or ferry boat, should I consider a laptop? 17.3 inch min to run stardew valley on??


Well as a side note im just waiting to review the steam deck and the legion go for stardew valley, im being really inpatient right now, lol