Hand drawn our player profiles from my kid!


Thanks you for your good words.

Allow me to sidetrack a little.
As a father i have become very conservative and strict in what games and in which way games are accessible to my kids. Stardew Valley has passed many filters i had think of and it entartained us in our diffucult covid times .

We prefer to play coop when i can to discuss , plan actions , coordinate.

Interestingly while i let her choose a gamestyle and she came to mountains she decided that to let the 'war like' activity to me... and prefered along the farm chores to amass hundreds of clothes and decorate his and my home over and over...
And when the weather gets bad she keeps reminding me to put a pullover or a coat and a warm hat.

So congratulations to the developers and the community that supports the game.


I would be so proud as a parent! My son (Charlie) loves the fact that he is also a chicken NPC.

Love the artwork! Kid fan art is great. I love how in-depth and observant this is.


It sounds like you are doing such a good job, Dad! And after many hours of gameplay and finally being in Year 4 for the first time, I am just beginning to think I need a winter coat. So, Good for your daughter for the tailoring.