haiii,,,,, its a re-Introduction <:)


because i like to think i've changed over the course of 3 years

anyways! hello, im kayden! i'm an artist in–spite of the wrist injury i managed to give myself last year, a lover of all rabbits, and i am lowkey addicted to strawberries. please send help its a genuine problem

i speak english, arabic and currently im trying to learn japanese. so if you need translating anything from arabic im happy to help!! (not japanese tho i just started learning have mercy on me :sweat:)

as for stardew i mostly draw haley, alex, sebastian, and emily but i might draw someone else once in a blue moon if im in the mood who knows!!! i sure as hell dont!!!!

i'll try to pop in here at least once a week but being a highschool student in my country currently feels like im a sitting duck about to be shot and the bullet is breaking out in hives from stress. so if i disappear or sound mentally worn dont worry about it too much

ok ive run out of things to add make sure u drink the recommended amount of water daily i'll see you soon hopefully bye bye :moon: