guys how do i get the lights when walking at night??

Lew Zealand

I think you get glow rings in the mines Level 40+ and Skull Cavern but I've had mine for so long I don't remember. If you find two, you can stack their effects.


There are a few ways to get light, depending on how far you at in the game. The best way is to get a ring that emits a circle of light. You can get it in the mines and as a reward for completing a bundle in the community center. Which bundle? I can’t remember but I’m sure someone knows. I want to say the night fishing bundle. You can craft torches and place them along your path. The easiest way to get a torch is by removing them from the mines. Torches also pop out of the recycling machines. You can also craft what are basically street lamps. Street lamps need battery packs. I hope this is helpful.


There are a few ways to get light, depending on how far you at in the game. The best way is to get a ring that emits a circle of light. You can get it in the mines and as a reward for completing a bundle in the community center. Which bundle? I can’t remember but I’m sure someone knows. I want to say the night fishing bundle. You can craft torches and place them along your path. The easiest way to get a torch is by removing them from the mines. Torches also pop out of the recycling machines. You can also craft what are basically street lamps. Street lamps need battery packs. I hope this is helpful.
It's the night fishing bundle (walleye, eel, bream). That bundle's reward is a small glow ring, which is enough to get you by! Small and regular glow rings drop off mobs in the mines lower than level 40.


When I start a new save, one of the first things I do is to craft campfires and put them along my commonly traveled paths and around my farm. If they're in any of the paths that the NPCs use, they'll be lost, but I've only had to relocate a few. They give more light than the torches.


I just wanted to add in my first save my first year at the holiday celebration, my secret santa gave me a glow ring. I had no idea there was such a thing. Haven't gotten such a good gift since! I also wanted to add that torches are my new thing. With my new save, I have them all over my farm and in all the buildings I get built. They can really help when you first start.
Until you get a ring, I'd recommend using torches. You can actually have it on your bar, equipped in a way, and use it as a light source. I typically have my tools I plan to use a lot right next to my torch.