Android Graphical glitches in the mines: partially missing floor textures


Around floor 72 of the mines, Floor texture partially missing, replaced by black patches, AKA: THE VOID. See attached pics.


Also need to mention that the coal backpack was already empty when I found it. Haven't previously visited the Mine's castle levels in this game year, so as far as I know, that bag should have been full. Therefore, I'm assuming the open backpack is also a glitch, although the floor texture beneath it is present. It behaved like a normal empty backpack when I tried interacting with it.


I could walk on the black areas; as you can see, I had no problem accessing the crates and barrels.

Also, yes I had taken a dose of monster musk, and there were indeed more mobs, but I didn't expect it to break reality too. To quote Elliot: Strong stuff!

Lenovo tab M11
Android 14
Game Version 1.6.15 Build 24354
Single player game
XBone X/S Bluetooth gamepad

