Issue Glitched Items


I've noticed that items (primarily from the PPJA mods but also in one case the new Packing Boxes and Crates mod) can sometimes get glitched out. Usually this happens when loading up a save and grabbing the contents out of a Artisan Valley machine. However, preexisting items have also changed unexpectedly on their own. Some examples:
  • Unmilled rice essential oil once turned into sweet potato fries essential oils after saving/exiting the game while the machine was mid-operation and then reloading
  • Some flowers turned into seeds while sitting in my fridge; the sprites looked like multiple different images overlayed on top of each other
  • Some crates from the Packing Boxes & Crates mods had their sprites overridden into something else that looked like a discolored soup dish or something
I don't see any errors related to PPJA or the Box/Crate mod in the SMAPI console while the game is running. I do see a few warning messages about certain recipe rules being ignored but I'm pretty sure it's because I don't have certain optional "dependencies" installed for a couple of PPJA mods.

I tried completely removing the PPJA folders and reinstalling them. This seemed to help at first but then things started going goofy again. I noticed that the Garden Village mod had a PPJA folder within it that I didn't remove making some modifications to one of the recipe mods. Should I have deleted that folder from my staging folder as well?

Here is my SMAPI log:


In my SMAPI log it looks like some of the items are having their IDs reassigned. Does this point to a conflict of some type?


So, I'm having the same issue. And after intense googling, I've come to the conclusion that this MIGHT have something to do with GardenVillage.

This is listed under "known bugs" on the mod page:
Item id collisions -- items change into other random items. Especially a problem with existing games with lots of other mods.

I think if you rename your Garden Village mod folder to "zzGarden Village" then that will fix it. SMAPI loads mods alphabetically, so if Garden Village is loaded last, then all the other mod items will get their ids assigned first. You may also need to go into your save files folder, and remove or edit values in the Json folder to make sure no items have duplicate ids.

I haven't yet confirmed if the proposed solutions work, but I hope that this might be of some use to you.


OH! That seems likely. Maybe editing json values in the save to ensure there are no duplicate IDs might still work? Worth trying, but I've never tried it myself, so I'm not entirely sure how to do that. But I'll have a look at one of my old saves one of these days to see if I can figure out what that would entail.