Give Clint a little loving

You know it's sad that everyone in town has a companion except Clint. He needs a little love. I say we give him some.

Start out a cutscene on a stormy day after the fashion therapy and gift for Emily has been completed. You go into town and the Lewis comments on the amount of debris in the river. *Lightening strike* you hear crying. You run to the area by Pam's house. You see something splashing in the water. Lewis says linus must have fallen in. Clint exits the forge. The mayor shouts to Clint that someone fell in and the rivers gonna push them out to sea. Clint rips off his apron jumps in......only to realize he can't swim. Queue the clinic interior. Harvey says well your lucky Clint evidently you clogged a hole in the river debris which allowed you to climb out. After you passed out all we found was you holding this piece of coal. Lewis says poor lewis he will be missed. Lewis comes through the door. The hills were slick it took a little longer to get here for my appointment. Lewis says who was that. Everyone else in town was ok.

After a few days later. If you go into Clint's. The screen is black and you hear the sound of a magma spirit. Clint is running around the forge being chased by a magma sprite. You pull your sword. Clint is shouting quit rubbing me. You get the droplet above your head. The wizard teleports in. I knew I felt a unfamiliar spirit. It looks at the wizard. A few magma sounds. Ahhh. Clint it seems you made a friend. It got pushed into the lower levels from a magma swell and somehow got too cold to fly and fell into the underground river. When you warmed it up again you helped it get free of it Stony prison. Clint said I thought it was Coal and was smelting a bar. Wizard hahaha. Well it says it's staying with you now. Wizard teleports away. Clint waiiiiiiit. Clint looks at sprite. So you want stay with me. The sprite nods. Clint do you have a name. Sprite shakes. Well I will call you Cole. The sprite bounces happily.

Now the forge is upgraded to handle radioactive bars.......... You might wanna wear gloves


I one time daydreamed about a woman who was in love with Clint, this was before I that I really know about his character, but I did know people disliked him for being a "nice guy."

Anyway, apparently chuckleforms said, they will do something with Clint, they just don't want to put in new stuff too fast, in case they run out stuff to do too quickly.
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I love Clint's character. I am thinking about two different paths. After when Emily friendzoned him, Clint has two different paths. –this would affect our farmer's future as well.

1. Clint will follow his own ambition by never being married. –Possibly, he would end up making more money than the farmer because he sells a lot of valuable weapons to the Ferngill Republic Army. He is making a lot of money from war. After earning a lot of money, Clint would end living in a luxurious mansion and a bigger upgraded blacksmith workshop where we can forge our weapons.

2. Clint will meet a woman from Gotoro Empire. Despite that they have different backgrounds, two of them mesh well in their relationship. Because Clint wants to earn more money, he dedicates himself to design a weapon during his free time. This would lead Clint to create weapons that are inspired from the Gotoro Empire. Thanks to his new design weapons, his business is booming (–not too rich). In the end, he and his new wife will end up in a family house and a new upgraded blacksmith workshop.