Switch Ginger Island reset after 1.6


Hello, I’m this is my first time ever reporting a bug so I hope this works. I haven’t played sdv in months, but since I know 1.6 recently came out on switch I’ve been trying to get back into it. I definitely remember having unlocked the walnut room on ginger island, but as I’m returning to the game again it’s saying that I still need 1 more walnut. Additionally, I’ve also unlocked the shortcut from the volcano dungeon to the forge, but that shortcut is now locked again, which is inconvenient as I’m terrible at combat and it took me forever to even unlock the forge. I know for a fact I’ve unlocked the forge in the first place as my sword still shows the artful enchantment on it.

Mango Choo-choo

Did you save the game properly months ago?
It seems you didn't save the game or quit the game abruptly.
But there is a tiny chance to revert your saving back to a specific moment.

And if you purchased Nintendo membeship, you can try to find a cloud file back which is in correct progress.