Gift coffee to Pam.


Local Legend
Coffee is a liked gift for just about everyone. Only Harvey loves it. Leo is neutral. Jas and Vincent hate it.

Sure, it doesn't make them go fast, but you can gift it nonetheless.
I just thought it would be fun if you could gift pam (and possibly other characters aswell) coffee to make them go faster.
Sounds like fun.

Maybe this could be generalized the way that some gifts have more influence than just like/dislike:
coffee makes them go faster
alcohol makes people giddy
prismatic shards make them wear funny stuff next day...
Something like that.

Probably that would make some extra dev-work because it could heavily change game mechanics. So alternatively the villagers could answer just differently:
Coffee makes them answer in a hurry,
alcohol makes them answer someway confused.

Lew Zealand

I just thought it would be fun if you could gift pam (and possibly other characters aswell) coffee to make them go faster.
Ah, but what kind of faster do you want them to go? If it's to get Pam to the Bus Stop faster then you can do that already. Just use yourself to block her on the way to the Bus Stop (easiest right in front of her house). She'll pause for a second, then get a [!] above her head, then... well, I'll let you find out for yourself.

It resets on every Map change so you need to repeat it when she reaches the Bus Stop map but it'll work again there just as well. Try it out! This should work for every NPC so if you want anyone to get somewhere you need them quicker, just block their way.

While I'm blocking them I like to say "Iiii'm not touching youuuuuuu!" Makes their reaction all the better!