The title is pretty much self explanatory. Are there any games, that are widely beloved, that you never could get into yourself? Now, this thread is not meant to be rude towards these games and their communities. But my oldest daughter and I got ourselves Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom a few months ago. And when I tried it, it never really clicked with me. It was just too complex when it came to the controller and buttons. And the building mechanic is revolutionary, no doubt. But it was never fun for me and always felt like a chore. Today my daughter and I talked about it. And somehow I always suspected that she has already beaten the game. Yet it turned out, that she never really finished the tutorial (just like me). That got me thinking: which other games were out there, that everybody loves and that check all the boxes with me, yet never really got me hooked. Turned out, there were quite a few. From Ghosts of Tsushima to Civilization 7 and even Doom Eternal. All of these games are great, but they could never really hook me and lost me after a couple of hours.
So, what are your games, that you never really could get into? And why?
And again, this is not meant to discredit those games. I just thought that it is an interesting topic and everybody is entitled to their own opinions.
So, what are your games, that you never really could get into? And why?
And again, this is not meant to discredit those games. I just thought that it is an interesting topic and everybody is entitled to their own opinions.