Switch Game lagging with new 1.6


I’ve never posted before but I’ll try to write it out cohesively
My game freezes every 4-5 seconds for about a full second and the game isn’t paused during this time but no audio can be heard and the inputs are spammed when the visual resumes.
I’m assuming this is just a bug from the new 1.6 update on console and I was super excited for it (I have played non stop since it dropped) and I’ve been making do with the glitches but it’s bordering on unplayable now.
I’ve tried redownloading stardew, having the software check for bugs and all the troubleshooting I have available and nothing is working.
I’m not super proud but I’ve spent more than 8 hours playing today and the lag happens guaranteed 4-5 seconds apart and a bit longer when not on my farm (inc greenhouse, coop, barn, shed and home) everywhere else is about 7-9 seconds.
I don’t know what is happening!!