Game Ideas


Hi Everyone! Just joined! I was wondering what kind of farms everyone has! Just looking for new ideas and talk about the game. Has anyone thought that we should have a birthday in the game where villagers give us gifts??? I know they already send us stuff in the mail if we are friends and stuff but I thought it would be a cool idea to get out there.


How far have you gotten? Any suggestions of mine would differ wildly if you've only played the game for a bit, or haven't completed the community centre yet.


i mean i think standard is best if you've just started playing bc you can get familiar w the mechanics of the game before moving to one of the more specialized farms. as to the birthday stuff that would be cool n i think there's a mod for it? nexus has got everything lol


Welcome to the forums! Feel free to check out the Valley Showcase forum to see some other peoples farms, there's plenty including some of my own.

I love the idea of having my own birthday, a few gifts just to make things feel more wholesome. An evening in the Saloon with my friends to top it off.


Staff member
Welcome! My main farm is on standard (it was the only option when I started the save :P), but I really like the forest farm. And I'd recommend checking out the Game Suggestions board, people have been leaving tons of ideas for the game there :)


Welcome!! I picked the forest farm for my first game, I had a feeling I'd like foraging and I thought the naturey vibe was really nice (also I love the birthday idea, especially if the number/quality of presents depends on your heart levels with everyone)