iOS Game glitched when trying to log in mid day


Hello I have v16.15 build 24354 on my iPhone. I have been noticing my game has been a lot more buggy lately. It has not been saving multiple days sometimes. Recently it has not allowed me to start where I left off in the middle of the day. When I try to load the save, it just takes me to the scene where I was last but my character and nothing else like the time of day or my inventory appear (image of what this looks like attached). It crashed a couple of days ago too. I will include that but none of the errors are leaving any errors notes. Not sure if there is an update coming but my game has never been so glitchy. Not sure if it’s fixable. I have no mods



This is happening to me too, although mine always plays cutscene music (Buttercup Melody) while it’s happening.
I’m running iOS 18.3.2 on an iPhone 11 Pro (although it was also happening before I updated my iOS last night)
I’m also running game version 1.6.15 build 24354


O meu tá acontecendo a mesma coisa mas não é IOS, vocês já sabem como resolver??]


Update: it’s gotten worse. I returned on the bus from Skull Cavern and it just broke. I can see my character but not the time or any of the side bars and I can’t move. Not sure if the game is playable at this point. It’s really bad with no obvious fixes on my end. I tried deleting the game and redownloading and it’s still having the same issues. :( Hoping for a major bug update asap

