Issue Game crashing when opening save


I had my computer reset recently due to an unrelated issue and had to reinstall Stardew Valley and all the mods I had before, including Stardew Valley Expanded. The error log says I'm missing the file for Victor. I've tried deleting and re-downloading all Expanded related mods, reverting to an older version of the save, and deleting and re-installing SMAPI and nothing seems to be working. I'm not sure what else to do.
Error Log:


Howdy, thanks for the log.
Though, I see that's a log from a vanilla, unmodded SDV game.

Do you have a log from running the SMAPI you reinstalled? It should show why SDV Expanded isn't loading properly.

Victor is a modded NPC; and your save shows you're married to them in-game.
So, if you continue the save unmodded, we'll have to delete them & some of other NPCs from the save.


I don't have the log from running SMAPI, where would I find the file for that? I pulled the initial log from the error log folder.
The window for SMAPI doesn't open when I open the application anymore. Is that why it doesn't register as modded?
Hrm, okay. Yea, it should be in the %appdata%\StardewValley\ErrorLogs folder.
But, if the SMAPI window isn't showing when you launch it. Then yea, that's just launching the game unmodded, and why it's crashing.

You may want to run through the wiki's steps for installing SMAPI again. Just to double check if you missed something:


I uninstalled and re-installed both the game and SMAPI and it's working now. Not sure what happened the first time around but it works! Thank you for your help :)