Game Crashing on Loading Save?



I've been having an issue lately where my game keeps crashing when I load my save. Once I load and get in game (as my character wakes up) I hear a loud "dundun dundun" and then if i move my mouse or character, the game fully crashes like smapi and all. Up until today I have been able to get around this by running steam as administrator but now that seems not to work at all. I reverted to a save from yesterday when I was playing and managed to get it to work but lost a whole seasons in game progress. To avoid losing another season, I went to sleep after 4 in game days, waited until I woke up then exited to desktop. when I loaded the save 5 minutes later (no new mods, no deleted mods, nothing had changed at all), I hear the "dundun dundun" again and the game fully closes, yet again. Since then i have tried all types of things to get it working.

Verifying Game files
Swapping the game to run directly from my graphics card
Running the game from the StardewModded.exe file
Running the game from the StardewValley.exe file

Anything you can think of, i have tried it. The save file is apparently in tact.

This happened to a previous file before I found out that running steam as administrator was fixing it before and I ended up deleting it and losing a 3 year game cause i didn't know what was going on. I have not finished the game at all because of this issue, i haven't even gotten up to ginger island before T^T please help me. I desperately want to play this game and not have to restart every time I close the game.
I attached my ErrorLogs

Yet Another Cooking Skill, it still crashed when updated and Challenging Community Center Bundles is updated, the Modder said they will fix the typo error in the next update.



The same thing happens to me. It happens in both Smapi and normal game. Is it because of the mods??? Is there anyone who can seriously fix this???



Can you both post your SMAPI Log? Much safer and easier for everyone.

Also, can you be more specific about the "dundun dundun" sound? Is that meant to be a game sound or a PC sound?