Solved game crashes after going to sleep


New member but have put a lot of time into the game and my main save file. I do play with mods but only a handful...I've taken them out and ran the game through steam without smapi. With mods it just freezes and becomes unresponsive and without it closes the game and creates a empty temp file in my save directory. I have also ran other save files which save fine.

I've tried to look into the save files myself and will continue to do so. But some help or insight would be greatly appreciated.


We should start by assuming it is a mod problem*, which won't necessarily be fixed by removing the mods. (In rare cases it might even make it worse, and if you jump straight to running without SMAPI the save often won't even load.)

This link explains where to find your SMAPI log and how to share the link so we can look at any errors that pop up when you try to save. The vanilla game usually only makes an error log if it crashes, so hopefully SMAPI manages to log something going awry if you try again. If you don't mind losing a day (or just want to test), you can always try undoing the last save and see if that fixes it without having to do any lengthy investigation.

*(It of course might not be, but using mods means we are basically editing the game to make it do stuff it wasn't doing before, which most of the time is great but sometimes results in unexpected behavior we don't immediately connect to dogs-go-meow-6034092 because we thought it was a simple asset replacer and had no idea it harmony patched every animal routine in the game :D)
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Appreciate the reply! I've followed the link and got my smapi log which I will share.

I'm aware there is some errors about a couple of mods like the Elliot mod (don't judge ahah I meant to remove it) and artisan good mods but the game has mostly worked with them tbh. I'm seeing errors about my child and I will say before the issues my first child was glitched and I couldn't love it and their hat was removed. I'm sorry if this is such a mess. never run into anything like this.

thanks for the help!

smapi log link:



Oh, is Micha your child? Does it save if you temporarily remove or disable ChildToNPC? (You can disable mod folders by renaming them to have a period in front of the name, like .ChildToNPC.)


I did think it could be to do with that I just didn’t test it because smapi wasn’t throwing me errors. I had to log off for the night so I will reply back tomorrow and test that. Will let you know thank you sm for replying as quick as you did. :)



so I have disabled childtonpc and my file is now saving and children are back to normal. Thank you sm! I should of looked into it more when smapi told me it couldn’t load update information for that mod. Again I really appreciate your help :)