Future Update idea for Zuzu City


To start off, first time posting here so I apologise if this topic has already been discussed/it has been said Zuzu City will not be added, but here goes:

So my idea is that post-community college you can renovate/upgrade the train station to now have passenger trains stop at it, with the upgrade costing Hardwood, Stone and maybe Iron (or gold if you got the JoJo Mart route). However due to it being a smaller town/station or train, it would only stop at Stardew Valley a few times a day (maybe one at 9am and one at 5pm?) but the station/rails/train can be upgraded further (maybe multiple times) so the train stops more often until there is eventually a train every hour, with the trains also starting earlier (thinking 7am) and ending later (9/10pm?). Also maybe as an added side effect of the station being upgraded the freight train that occasionally passes through Stardew occurs more often as a result.

Would love to hear other peoples opinions on the idea.
I would love to see the train station gets a bit more love. (As well as the spa. For the spa there a some suggestions already.)

For a better train station there are some mods to extend functions: