Future language support


I recently was able to get my friend in Thailand hooked on Stardew Valley. Sadly PCs are not as prevalent as mobile devices so they are playing on an apple phone. Thankfully the game runs smoothly on the phone the only snag is that while they speak English reasonably well its still wobbly enough that some gameplay mech is confusing. This isn't even considering how much of the world/story they are missing out on due to not being able to read the English text.

The PC version has a mod that offers Thai support and from the time they used it they said that it was perfect. My question is simply is the stardew valley language support expansion done or can we expect a Thailand translation in the foreseeable future? Is it possible to reach out to the mod team that put out the Thai language pack to see if it can be incorporated into the game?

It saddens me greatly that for whatever reason games/movies/books don't seem to get translated to thai as often as some of the other languages.