Hi, completely new here, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes/clarification errors and my extremely long post. I have the Steam version of the game on PC and am updated to 1.6.15. I think I have fixed the issue for now but am unsure how it happened in the first place and couldn't find another post about it.
The night before this, I set off a bomb in my shed which destroyed my original furnace and some other equipment in the room. (idk if me going to bed immediately after this caused the game to create a glitch somehow?)
The next day, I crafted replacements and upgraded the regular furnaces to two heavy furnaces. I put them back in the same corner where the bomb went off. I smelted a few iridium bars in the morning, came back and collected the bars without a problem.
However, when I then attempted to smelt some gold ore, each furnace individually flared up like they should while simultaneously vanishing into nothing. I didn't see the shrapnel until much later. I thought this was a drawback to the Heavy Furnace and tried to see if they had a durability score or something and would break after a few uses, but couldn't find any info on it. Confused, I made new ones and placed them in the same spots, tried to smelt new ore, and they vanished again. I did this multiple times.
The pics attached are when I finally decided to screen record and suddenly one of the furnaces didn't break, though the other one still did. After stopping recording and right clicking while empty handed on the one that didn't break, it broke.
After this, I moved the leftmost chest with my pickaxe up to each spot where a furnace had vanished and opened and closed, took out and put back in an item, multiple times to see if I could "reset the space" somehow.
It seemed to work a little bit, as I was able to smelt afterward with 3 furnace breaks before I got them to work as intended. One of those instances left a red glow on the floor as if the furnace was still there. I picked both working furnaces back up with my pickaxe, moved the chest back, and then replaced the furnaces, smelting and then stopping the smelting process with my pickaxe until both reliably stopped breaking. I went to bed/saved to hopefully override whatever glitch might have caused it in the first place.
No problems since. Anyone else have this weirdly specific issue?
The night before this, I set off a bomb in my shed which destroyed my original furnace and some other equipment in the room. (idk if me going to bed immediately after this caused the game to create a glitch somehow?)
The next day, I crafted replacements and upgraded the regular furnaces to two heavy furnaces. I put them back in the same corner where the bomb went off. I smelted a few iridium bars in the morning, came back and collected the bars without a problem.
However, when I then attempted to smelt some gold ore, each furnace individually flared up like they should while simultaneously vanishing into nothing. I didn't see the shrapnel until much later. I thought this was a drawback to the Heavy Furnace and tried to see if they had a durability score or something and would break after a few uses, but couldn't find any info on it. Confused, I made new ones and placed them in the same spots, tried to smelt new ore, and they vanished again. I did this multiple times.
The pics attached are when I finally decided to screen record and suddenly one of the furnaces didn't break, though the other one still did. After stopping recording and right clicking while empty handed on the one that didn't break, it broke.

After this, I moved the leftmost chest with my pickaxe up to each spot where a furnace had vanished and opened and closed, took out and put back in an item, multiple times to see if I could "reset the space" somehow.
It seemed to work a little bit, as I was able to smelt afterward with 3 furnace breaks before I got them to work as intended. One of those instances left a red glow on the floor as if the furnace was still there. I picked both working furnaces back up with my pickaxe, moved the chest back, and then replaced the furnaces, smelting and then stopping the smelting process with my pickaxe until both reliably stopped breaking. I went to bed/saved to hopefully override whatever glitch might have caused it in the first place.
No problems since. Anyone else have this weirdly specific issue?