Android Forged weapons and magnetism rings not working


I have multiple forged weapons and started noticing they are only inflicting 1-5 damage on monsters even though the levels on these weapons are 14-17 range.

I've also noticed that my iridium band and other rings that have magnetism have stopped working. I will be standing right under a fruit tree, shake it and still some of the fruit will fall on the ground.

This has started happening on all of my saves, previous and new ones. Please help!!


Nope, no mods, I don't even know how to mod. I tried to do it, but couldn't figure it out so I just deleted smapi(or whatever it is called). I'm old 🤪, my kids got me hooked on the game. 😁
SAME. Can't mod because of version problems though I'm looking into them, otherwise it's probably a android bug :(