Windows Foraging "Tracker" Profession - Arrows appear in wrong positions when UI Scale and Zoom Level don't match


When choosing the "Tracker" profession at level 10 foraging, the game adds arrows to the edge of the screen that point to off-screen forageables and panning spots. If the in-game "Zoom level" and "UI Scale" settings don't match, these arrows appear at the wrong position (for example, appearing much higher than the actual position of the forageable item on the right side of the screen).

Game version: "v1.5.6 Hotfix #3"
In-game language: English

I've attached the following stitched-together screenshots to demonstrate the issue. Each screenshot includes the view of the tracker arrow, overlaid with the actual position of the artifact spot to the right; you can see in the screenshots where the UI Scale and Zoom Level are mismatched that the arrows appear in the wrong positions:

Zoom 75, UI Scale 75:
Zoom 75, UI Scale 100:
Zoom 100, UI Scale 100:
Zoom 100, UI Scale 75: