Windows Footwear/clothing/hats in dressers organize themselves inconsistently

I'm playing on Steam, v1.6.1 build 24080. Game language set to English. Only tested in single-player, don't know if it affects multiplayer too.

I swore before 1.6 that this only affected footwear, but I'm seeing now that it affects hats, clothes, pants, and footwear. Only rings seem to group properly. I'm also pretty sure I've noticed this issue for as long as we've been able to put footwear in dressers, it's finally bothered me enough to post about it.

Any clothing organizes to no pattern that I can observe. When nothing is additionally dyed or tailored I would expect duplicate items to group together. For example, I have a dresser with 4 pairs of Dragonscale Boots and 3 pairs of Mermaid Boots. None are tailored, they're all as found from the volcano. With them finally organized per picture 1, if I pulled the third pair of boots out and put it back, the order changes to picture 2 with a pair of Mermaid Boots moving itself up. If I again pull the third pair of boots out and put it back, the order is now per picture 3. Trying to get that many duplicates ordered together is a painful game of pulling things out and putting them back in. Pulling everything out and inserting them in the order you want does not work and usually gives you a random order. If you're also storing other items in the dresser, putting anything else in or pulling out can break the order too.

Boots 1.jpg
Boots 2.jpg
Boots 3.jpg